Top 5 Places I Want to Visit in 2021 | BLOGMAS No. 18

 This month my husband and I have gotten really into vision boards. I guess it really is the power of the mind and if you think happy you will be happy. So there have been a few things that have worked for me in the past and this coming year I will take it by the reigns. I usually just go with the flow and try to cause the least amount of waves nay ripples in other peoples lives or in mine. I am no longer settling, I am expecting. I would love to visit the places below and even though I may not visit all of them I will make it my mission to visit one of these locations! Again, in no particular order here are my dream vacation locations for next year!

1. Rome, Italy:

2. Paris, France:

3. Athens, Greece:

4. Jerusalem, Israel:

5. Cairo, Egypt: 


Ivon Auriemma
