Top 5 Dog Breeds | BLOGMAS No. 23

Now dogs can be a very controversial topic, everyone has their own idea of what a dog is or what you fulfill for it or vice-versa. I will be ranking dogs today in the order of my favorite dogs, some of which I have owned, some of which I've only petted. Either way these are my opinions and even though I do not currently own a dog I would still love to won all of these below! Today's post is supposed to be a conversation starter a happy one! Dogs are just happy anyways, all dogs are great! If you own one consider yourself lucky to be a part of its life, after all a dog only gets to know you for a part of yours but you are their entire world. 

1. Australian Shepard: To me these dogs are so special, I've been lucky enough to meet quite a few. They are not only super loyal and high energy, they are also very smart. So if you live in tight spaces these guys might not be suitable, unless you go for a mini version. I just cannot explain it but their faces make me so happy. Especially the tri-colored ones! I grew very fond of them since I first met one in 2015, they caught my heart ever since. 

2. Dalmatian: This has probably been my long lost love since I was a child and first saw 101 Dalmatians, I actually fell in love with Cruella De Ville and her style, her immaculate taste in dogs too! They come in brown too, and with colored eyes if you've never met them they are just beautiful. These dogs can get big and tend to be aggressive unless raised properly in a loving home. They are obviously very loyal and love to be the center of attention.

3. Pekingese: My parents have had a Pekingese for over 15 years now, so our little Elliot is getting very old. He has been the most outstanding puppy ever, he has a strong personality and isn't afraid to let his opinion be known. Although they are small to medium dogs they are very strong and stubborn. They have a strong sense of who the alpha is and are very hard to earn trust from. I found out years after we had gotten him in while I was still in high school that Marilyn Monroe actually had quite a few Pekingese and was very fond of the breed. 

4. Doberman Pinscher: Growing up one of my uncles owned a guard dog business, my brother and I would love to see all the scary man dogs be so playful. There were alpha dogs that my uncle wouldn't let us play with as were only kids and there were others that loved letting loose so to speak. When their work jackets came off they knew they could play. As my brothers love for Pitbull's grew my love for these majestic long and tall and skinny funny looking dogs grew too. They are very protective as well, and very smart dogs. They are not much for talking but they will cuddle next to you. 

5. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Last but not least, these little guys are so funny to me. They are the epitome of puppy dog eyes to me, my aunt had one of these and the way he could change his facial expressions was crazy to me. They are smaller dogs and have a more happy go lucky approach to life than others on my list. Although they may not be the bravest, they will certainly console you on any given occasion, they are great at that. 

There you have it, that is my list. Do you own any of these dogs? Are any of these dogs on your top 5 too? I cannot wait to find out!


Ivon Auriemma
