Holiday Bucket List | BLOGMAS No. 1


Who else is super excited to be cuddled up and drinking some hot cocoa? Because I know I am!

Last year I did a post a week for blogmas and this year I am feeling a little bit more ambitious, I am doing one post every day until the 24th. The topics will be very varied but of course there will be holiday related posts!

Today's post is all about creating a holiday bucket list, you are more than welcome to use mine or alter it to where you are located and what is available to you. I am located in Southern California so I unfortunately won't be having a white christmas but if I were there would be a lot of snow related things on my bucket list. 

I am keeping my holiday bucket list to only 12 things, but there are plenty of other bloggers that are doing more than that so if I've missed something feel free to comment below. However, I didn't want to create an overwhelming list that I wouldn't be able to achieve.

1. Watch The Polar Express (My favorite holiday movie!!)

2. See the Nutcracker (And dress to the nine's! Also why do we say dressed to the nine's?)

3. Watch Elf, a Christmas tradition from my Hubby's side of the family!

4. Bake Christmas cookies

5. Make paper Snowflakes and hang them with twinkle lights on the window!

6. Wear Pj's and take hot cocoa on a drive to see all the christmas lights!

7. Visit an Ice skating rink

8. Decorate a Gingerbread house

9. Watch the Avengers in theaters

10. Buy and burn a Holiday Candle 

11. Accomplish my Blogmas everyday posting goals

12. Purchase a Nutcracker!

Happy Holidays!


Ivon Auriemma
