So I've Been MIA...

Let me explain, again. 

I know, I need to be better at keeping my posts consistent. BLOGMAS only had six entries when I in reality wanted it to have ten. This was due to Chase and I spending the holidays in Canada with his family. When I had originally planned to do some posts there. Once we got there we really just wanted to spend time with family. I had attempted to make a fashion blog post in the snow but it was pretty much a fail as the snow had melted the day we were planning on shooting. I am not in control of the weather sadly. 

Here are a couple of photos that we had taken while we were on our trip. 

As for my new blog schedule I will be posting everyday on the weekday. So Monday through Friday, the posts will be varying as my log has been in the past but with a twist! Tuesdays and Thursdays my blog post will be accompanied with a YouTube video, and Mondays and Wednesdays my bog post will be accompanied by an Instagram post. The weekends I will be posting more freely, so more from the heart so to speak. I hope that my blog will continue to intrigue you as you follow my journey as a senior in university. 

Another huge update is that Chase and I moved the weekend after we got back from Canada. This was NOT PLANNED. I was devastated but excited. We had planned to move into a condo in Santa Monica after school. But we were living in an apartment in La Mirada really close to our university as it was convenient for the both of us. However, much to our surprise and dismay when we opened the door to our apartment expecting to relax and be at home we were greeted to the most horrendous smell I have ever smelt. Gladly I was sick and stuffed up and couldn't smell the best. Chase on the other hand couldn't stand being in the apartment for more than five minutes. 

What was that smell you might be wondering? 


Our bathroom was so disgusting!!!

We had fortunately closed all of our doors so it didn't spill over into the hallway or anywhere else. Our neighbor had the same thing happen to them. We were both contacted by the school that they were aware of the incident. Since the school is our tenants and we were renting from them we thought things would go a little bit different. We had the housing department come out and tell us our options. Apparently the bottom two apartments house the sewer for the entire complex, hence why our two apartments were the only ones affected and ironically the only two that were empty the entire winter break. The other couple went to the Bahamas while we were in Canada.

Option 1: Move to a different apartment. 
There were only two other units available one was the unit right above us, same layout but different color schemes. The other unit was in a different complex and was smaller, looked very Hawaiian themed with a tiki bar and had a pool. 

Option 2: Stay in your current apartment and wait for it to be fixed.

Option 3: Break your lease early. 

Chase and I and the other couple were given a tour at the same time and were told to agree amongst each other what we wanted to do and then to contact the school by the end of the weekend with a final decision. 

It was Friday and we had until Sunday to decide. 

Now you may say just stay, well we did think of that but this had been a constant issue. We had the school fix it then it would happen the next month. We were afraid that if we stayed it would just happen again. Not only that but we also had to pay a full month's rent even though we were warned that it would take almost three weeks to fix the issue. That's basically the entire month. Chase and I had just gotten very weary and tired of dealing with this issue. 

Here is a video where you can see a glimpse of our old apartment and the ongoing issue. 

Why not just move? Well we had agreed with each other to just move upstairs it was the same exact layout and convenient. We had also agreed that we didn't want the other complex at all as it was farther from school and smaller and hotter. We had contacted the other couple and told them we wanted to move upstairs. they replied with the same thing. 


Now what?

We spoke with my parents and with Chase's, we had come to the conclusion that it would be okay if we commuted from Santa Monica to La Mirada for school. We only had school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Monday and Friday were for our internships and then we had the weekend!

The more we thought about it the more we grew to like it. 

We told the couple that they could have upstairs that we were going to break our lease. 

So we packed and moved all of our stuff, and we had moved in two days. By Monday I was at yoga class from 8-12:30 at the local college in Santa Monica, then heading to my internship in Beverly Hills from 2-6. Due to traffic I don't get home until 7ish. 

We love our new place. 

We missed our old place. 

But we are moving on. 

Also, my BMW died on us, I had been taking it to a mechanic and bothering him all last week that there was something wrong with my car. He insisted there was nothing wrong with it. I kept driving it and Sunday it died. I had been washing it at my parents house and tried to turn it back on to move and it wouldn't. My dad is getting it fixed. 

For now my cousin was kind enough to lend us his extra car. 

Other than all of that today is my first last day of school!!!

I am a senior. 


Well that was my update. 

Hopefully you guys keep coming back for more real life craziness. 


Ivon Auriemma
