Life Updates | BLOGMAS No. 4

I want to firstly apologize for having to do a double post today!

I will try to get more blog posts ready to go up on their regular schedule. Which will be daily now due to BLOGMAS!
Secondly, I am a senior in university and this week will be my last week of classes followed by finals week. I am taking a full load of classes, trying to get an internship in line for the spring semester all while trying to get my winter classes. I am soooo looking forward to winter break. But before that I will be very busy with presentations, essays, and exams. Since business majors have a lot of math work and law work it has been a very hard semester for me. However, what makes it harder is having a spouse that is also a senior, but a film major. We have opposite schedules which means that causes a lot of stress. The time we do spend together we both feel like we could be studying or in Chase's case editing or working on a prop. It has been an adjustment definitely but we have gotten better. 

Anyways... I'm rambling. 

Point is, I am under quite a bit of stress for the next two weeks. 

I have to get through classes (AND PASS), schedule interviews, pack for Canada. We fly out on the 16th which is the last day of finals and all while making time for friends, family, and keeping myself alive. Like doing normal people things like paying bills on time, running errands, doing chores, and cooking to stay alive. 

I don't mean for this to be a blog post about me complaining to you. It really is not, I enjoy everything I do. But people get stressed, we just need to learn to cope with it and vent to someone who cares and is willing to listen and not judge. I feel like being open and honest with you guys. My life over the next two weeks will be a whirlwind and as hard as I might try this blog might have some posts going up a day or two late. I truly do apologize. 

Also, if you have any suggestions as to what I should post please let me know. 

Ivon Auriemma
