Let me introduce myself...

First of all let me just say thank you for clicking on my new blog!

I wanted to sort of tell you about myself and what my blog is going to be all about. I have always loved watching youtubers or other bloggers and have seen how amazing their posts are. Many of my close friends have always urged me to try it but I've always been too shy and to be honest quite intimidated by the idea of putting myself out there to be judged by the whole world. 

My name is Ivon Auriemma, I am a twenty two year old from Santa Monica. I am currently at university studying Business Administration. My passion is the aesthetic of life. What I mean by that is, I love making things look pretty. I love to make my home pretty, my food pretty, my clothes pretty, even my face pretty, lol. But on a serious note, I enjoy the simplicity that there is in elegance and luxury. To be those things you don't need a huge budget.

On this blog I hope to share my passions with you, to inspire you as you inspire me.

Inspiration is a huge part of life. We all experience it in some way. Inspiration is what has caused me to create this blog and my youtube channel. I was a dancer for most of my life until I was eighteen and had the capacity to say, "no." Which was hard. I still admire people who pursued any form of dance as a career. As a little girl I never dreamt of being a dancer when I grew up. Embarrassingly  enough I played with Barbie's until I was in middle school. I loved playing dress up and living vicariously through them. When middle school came around I decided I was too old for that. So logically, I went out with my brother and Dad to a GameStop and my brother picked out some video game. Whilst he did that I perused the games and found a Bratz video game. My life changed from that point forward.

I discovered makeup, hair dye, fashion, and the lifestyle I wanted. When I grew up I wanted to be like the Bratz dolls. They wrote for their own magazine and traveled the world going to fashion shows or music shows. This is me trying to live up to my middle school self expectations.

Please don't laugh.

Now that you know a little bit about me, and an embarrassing part of me, I hope you enjoy my blog.

Ivon Auriemma 
